Malware - This could harm your computer.
As you surf the Web, your computer is in constant danger of being infected with Malaware or 'malicious software.' Malware are those software which threaten the proper functioning of your computer in the form of viruses, worms, Trojan horses, spyware, adware and software installed by hijackers.
A virus is a damaging computer program that negatively affects your computer without your knowledge and alters its working. It spreads whenever infected disks or files are exchanged. Often these files come as email attachments and get activated when you open them. A virus is sent with the mal-intention of damaging your computer and can erase or change the information on your computer.
A worm is a type of self replicating virus which which spreads very quickly and can cause a number of problems from deleting important files to causing your computer to crash.
Trojan horses
This is a malicious software which cannot spread on its own, so it masquerades as a legitimate or useful program and tricks the user into installing it. It can cause serious harm to your computer.
This is also a type of malware that gets installed into your computer without your knowledge . They can either just disturb you buy showing pop-up ads or or can cause serious harm like changing your computer settings, monitor and control your computer,hog so much of your computer memory so that it slows down to a crawl,redirect your computer pages, track your online behaviour, record your keystrokes, and also report needed information to criminals behind the adware.
What should you do?
- Install an Anti-virus program - and keep it updated as new viruses are being released daily. Your anti-virus program should know about the virus in order to prevent it from accessing your computer.
- Do not run software from unverified sources - Be wary of freebies in the form of smileys or emoticons, screen savers and games even if the lure is high as you may end up downloading hiddden spyware. Scrutinize the website's privacy policy and be careful of words such as 'banner ads' and 'third party software' as these indicate the presence of spyware.
- Do not open emails with attachments - especially from strangers as this is the most popular way of sending viruses. Delete them immediately.
- Equip your computer with a Firewall - It will protect you from the numerous threats on the internet by controlling incoming as well as outgoing traffic.
- Do not visit adult sites - they are a haven for spyware.
Guys, practice smart downloading and safe surfing.