Internet Affiliate Marketing - How I understand it.
Today while reading my mail I came across many spam emails all offering me huge incomes if I joined their Affiliate marketing programs ;-)
They looked lucrative and got me tempted with their offers of quick and easy money. But being me , I did some research and would like to share my understanding with you all.
Internet affiliate marketing is the promotion of products or services through affiliates , who act as sales persons and earn commission on each sale. An affiliate promotes a product in order to earn revenue. Here the affiliate ( the referrer website ) sends traffic to the merchant website ( who owns the product ) through advertising or content.
The affiliate makes money either from * Pay-per-sale
* Pay-per-click
* Pay-per-lead
Many people enter the affiliate market hoping to make quick money while doing minimum work. While affiliate marketing is the ' HOT ' business on the internet, just make sure to -
->Choose a product which interests you.
->Do not join too many affiliate programs hoping to make huge incomes , but first concentrate on a single affiliate program and promote it enthusiastically.